Tom M. Riddle
Tom Riddle a.k.a Heir of Slytherin
Biographical information
Full Name
Tom Marvolo Riddle Junior
- Tom (by Slytherin students)
- Riddle (by others, fellow students)
- Tommy (by Walburga)
- Husband, Darling, Love (by Hermione only)
- My Lord, Dark Lord, Voldemort, Master (his followers)
- Mr. Riddle (by non-family members)
- Tom Riddle Senior (after his muggle father)
- Marvolo Gaunt (after his maternal pure-blood wizard grandfather)
Date of Birth
31 December 1926, Wool's Orphanage, London, England, Great Britain
- 12 (attending to Hogwarts)
- 16 (during his time at the Hogwarts years)
- 19 (his marriage and graduation)
- 25 - 30 (his fatherhood)
Date of Death
1981 (defeated; in erased original timeline)
1995 (resurrected; in erased original timeline)
Blood status
Marital status
Married to Hermione Granger (m. c. 1945)
Also known as
- The Boy Who Never Loved
- The Boy Who Made All Wrong Choices
- The Dark Lord
- Voldemort
- Lord Voldemort
- Perfect (1942 - 1945)
- Head Boy (1944 - 1945)
- Heir of Slytherin
- Dark Lord
- Master
- Legilimens
- Professor Riddle
Physical information
Upper (very powerful)
Hair colour
Eye colour
Skin colour
Family information
- Mattheo Salazar Riddle (eldest son; with Hermione)
- Emma Merope Riddle (younger daughter; of Hermione)
- Tom Riddle Senior † (muggle-born, father)
- Merope Gaunt-Riddle † (pure-blood witch, mother)
- Marvolo Gaunt † (pure-blood witch, maternal grandfather)
- Selene Gaunt † (pure-blood witch, maternal grandmother)
- Mary Riddle † (muggle-born, paternal grandmother)
- Thomas Riddle † (muggle-born, paternal grandfather)
- Ominis Gaunt † (pure-blood witch, maternal great-uncle)
- Adrastos Gaunt † (pure-blood witch, maternal great-uncle)
- Unnamed Maternal Great-uncle † (pure-blood)
- Abraxas Malfoy
- Humphrey Avery I
- Mark Mulciber I
- Theodosius Nott
- Aidan Rosier
- Edmond Lestrange † (formerly)
- Knights of Walpurgis a.k.a Death Eaters
- Prof. Horace Slughorn
- Headmaster Armando Dippet
- Hermione Granger (wife; arranged marriage)
- Walburga Black (ex-fling)
- Margaret Shacklebolt (Ravenclaw girl who gave him a blowjob but he erased her memory later on)
- Patricia Bones (disliked her, she was Gryffindor prefect who wanted to give attention to Hermione)
- Edmond Lestrange † (he abused Hermione's friend and he punished him for that. Later he tried to kill Tom's wife but Tom killed him)
- Walburga Black (she casts spells on her wife, however, he punishes her for that)
- Prof. Albus Dumbledore (disliked him, he suspected Tom was involved in the Dark Arts)
Magical characteristics
- Genius-level intelligence
- Mastery of Magic
- Dark Arts
- Dueling
- Parseltongue (inborn ability to communicate with serpents)
- Mastery of Legilimency and Occlumency
- Possession
- Charms
- Transfiguration
- Spell creation
- Potions
- Nigh-immortality (via Horcruxes)
- Unsupported flight
- Pyrokinesis
- Non-verbal and wandless magic
- Elemental mastery
- Wand versatility
- Charisma
- Leadership
- Manipulation
- Intimidation
King cobra
13½", Yew, phoenix feather
- Become the greatest sorcerer in the entire Wizarding World (succeeded)
- Create Horcruxes to become immortal (still process-)
- Giving blowjobs to girls
- Torturing and punishing his followers
- Plotting and scheming
- Manipulating and charming
- Dark Arts
- Ordering his followers around
- Power
- If Hermione does not allow his rules
- Muggles
- Love (formerly)
- Hating Albus Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic
- When his followers disobey him
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (graduated)
- Riddle Mansion, Sorbonne (currently; he brought the mansion after killing his paternal family to himself and Hermione)
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (formerly; he lived and studied there)
- Wool's Orphanage, London (childhood home; formerly)
- Founder and supreme leader of the Death Eaters
- Dark Arts Professor at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
- Unofficial Minister for Magic (controlled by a puppet minister; erased original timeline)
- Shop assistant at Borgin and Burkes (erased original timeline)
- House of Gaunt (formerly)
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (formerly)
- Slytherin
- Slug Club
- Tom Riddle's gang
- Borgin and Burke (in the original erased timeline)
- Knights of Walpurgis a.k.a Death Eaters
- Riddle-Granger family
- Christian Coulson (as 16 - 25 years old Tom)
- Tom Hughes (as adult Tom in 30 years old)
- Magical mastery: Even at a young age, Voldemort proved himself to be a precociously gifted magical prodigy, as he was able to utilize and control magic, without the use of a wand or even knowing the very existence of magic itself, to an unnaturally high level: he had the power to move objects with his mind, to communicate with and control animals, and even inflict harm on those who opposed or annoyed him, which left even Dumbledore astonished.[28] As a student of Hogwarts, Voldemort was acknowledged by Dumbledore as the most brilliant student in the school's history.
- Control of underage magic: Even before being told that he was a wizard, or having any knowledge of magic or the wizarding world at all, the young Voldemort displayed an exceptional degree of control over his usage of underage magic, which he used to torment many of the other children at the orphanage. He could move objects with his mind, control animals to do his bidding, and even make bad things happen to those who annoyed him. Even Dumbledore commented that his powers were surprisingly well-developed for his young age and that his level of control over them had made him uneasy.
- Dark Arts: Voldemort was exceptionally skilled in the Dark Arts, widely considered the most powerful practitioner of the Dark Arts the world had ever known during his reign of terror. He had a masterful knowledge of the most arcane and complex magic that wizardkind was capable of and could perform successfully, such as the ability to create Horcruxes and raise an army of Inferi using necromancy. Voldemort murdered enough people to create an entire army of Inferi to do his bidding, using the Inferi to guard the Cave's waters against those who sought to steal Slytherin's Locket (a Horcrux). He was notably highly accomplished in the use of all three Unforgivable Curses. Despite being weakened, Voldemort was still able to cast the Cruciatus Curse with enough strength to force Bertha Jorkins to regain the memories that were suppressed by a powerful Memory Charm cast by Bartemius Crouch Senior and an Imperius Curse strong enough to control the latter for half of a year. Although he eventually resisted, he became delirious from it. He had a particular affinity for the Killing Curse, having murdered enough people to create an entire army of Inferi. He could cast this curse effectively while still underaged and using Morfin Gaunt's wand. Voldemort was also capable of developing potent dark charms: he placed a jinx on the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher after being refused the post by Dumbledore that would cause something terrible to happen to those who held the post within a year and was powerful enough that not even Dumbledore could lift it, and another on Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, to protect it after it had been made into a Horcrux so that it would kill anyone who touched it.
- Duelling: Voldemort was a duellist of immense, nearly unparalleled skill, with his only rival being Dumbledore.
- Potions: Voldemort was exceptionally knowledgeable of potions, as he was aware of an advanced dark Regeneration potion that could resurrect him to full power and corporeal form.
- Alchemy: Voldemort learned the ancient art and science of Alchemy, to the point where he was confident that if he was able to steal the Philosopher's Stone, he would be able to not only use it to produce the Elixir of Life but also manipulate the process of doing so in a manner that would allow him to 'create a body of [his] own' for his mangled soul to inhabit, thus restoring himself.[12] Dumbledore also seemed to believe that Voldemort could create his own Philosopher's Stone, but chose not to because he would find the dependence on the stone intolerable.
- Charms: Voldemort was extremely skilful with charms, as he was able to cast a Disillusionment Charm so powerful that it hid him from his own eyes, a very advanced level of magic. He also easily used the Summoning Charm, the Sorting Hat from many floors above, to punish Neville for opposing him, then setting it alight with the Fire-Making Spell, and beforehand effortlessly disarming him with the Disarming Charm. He could effortlessly levitate objects out of the way, blast down doors, and break locks. He effortlessly levitated the body of Charity Burbage with the charm Mobilicorpus in Riddle Manor whilst torturing her there. He was capable of performing an incredibly flawless spell to create fabricated memories in his victims, having used the spell twice in his lifetime: first on the House-elf Hokey after having murdered Hepzibah Smith, to falsely implicate her for the crime, and again on his uncle Morfin Gaunt to frame him for the Murder of the Riddle family, both crimes he committed.
- Apparition: Voldemort was exceptionally proficient in Apparition, and could apparate with pinpoint accuracy even when locked in combat, using this ability to dodge and evade spells when duelling Dumbledore. Voldemort was also able to apparate silently, something only he and Dumbledore were reputed to do.
- Occlumency and Legilimency: Voldemort was exceptionally adept and gifted in the use of both Occlumency and Legilimency, being able to effectively shield his own mind and penetrate the minds of others.
- Flying: Voldemort was able and invented the ability to fly without support, defying the law of magic that states objects can only fly through the use of a flying charm. He took her wife, Hermione, one day to fly because Hermione was afraid of flying and he wanted her to get over her fear.
- Parseltongue: Voldemort was a Parselmouth, a trait he inherited from his ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, the magical ability to communicate with snakes.[6][28] It seems that most of his Gaunt ancestors (even his mother, grandfather, and uncle) inherited this highly unusual trait; such traits are commonly passed down through families through inbreeding, a practice employed by the Gaunt family.[28] This ability was one that he favoured immensely, as he was extremely capable of communicating with the Serpent of Slytherin[6] and his loyal pet snake and Horcrux Nagini, commanding them to commit horrific actions in his various diabolical plots.
- Immortality: Voldemort is the only Dark Wizard who was known to have created more than one Horcrux. These Horcruxes were his school diary, the Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Ravenclaw's Diadem, Hufflepuff's Cup, Slytherin's Locket, Nagini, and Harry Potter himself. As long as these Horcruxes remained active, Voldemort was immortal and undying, even by magic as powerful as the Killing Curse.
- Transfiguration: Voldemort displayed tremendous and near-unrivalled skills in Transfiguration. He easily transfigured Dumbledore's fire rope into a black snake during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.[34] He was also skilful in conjuration, as he could craft silver objects of incredible durability, as seen when he produced a silver shield strong enough to repel Dumbledore's curse, which was extremely powerful. He could even conjure artificial limbs with far greater strength and immunity to some spells, as he created an artificial silver forearm and hand for Peter Pettigrew non-verbally.
- Defence Against the Dark Arts: As Defence Against the Dark Arts was the subject Voldemort offered to teach when he tried to become a teacher, it can be assumed that despite being far more interested in using dark magic than learning to defend from it, Voldemort had achieved a high score on his O.W.L and N.E.W.T exam and therefore that this was his favourite subject as a student. He was excellently skilled in defending from dark magic in addition to being the most powerful practitioner of the Dark Arts. It can also be assumed that his knowledge of the Dark Arts also made him aware of many advanced defensive spells that few knew of, as he claimed that he could teach students magic they cannot learn from any other should he be the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts.
- Spell creation: Voldemort was also extremely capable of inventing his own magical spells, as evidenced by the spell Morsmordre, which summoned the Dark Mark in the sky, being one of Voldemort's own dark inventions.
- Wandless and nonverbal magic: Voldemort was also immensely accomplished at both wandless and nonverbal magic, enough so to be capable of using both effortlessly.
- Wand versatility: Voldemort has shown the ability to use wands other than his own with no handicap. He used his uncle Morfin's wand to kill his father and paternal grandparents as a teenager and in 1997.
- Intimidation: Lord Voldemort, due to his virtually unequalled capacity for heinous torture and murder, commanded an extremely intimidating presence, enough to frighten low-level thugs and make them work for him out of sheer fear of how he would react to their refusal. He was able to swiftly intimidate famed wandmakers Garrick Ollivander and Mykew Gregorovitch, both of whom instantly submitted to his malevolent demands, with even the mere sight of him effortlessly terrifying Frank Bryce and the likes of the extremely courageous Harry Potter, the latter of whom would become haunted by the crimson eyes and cruel gaze of the Dark Lord for three years. Among the extremely few individuals who did not fear Voldemort included the tremendously fearless Albus Dumbledore (who remained staunch in consistently opposing the Dark Lord), the fearless Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin (who were among the extremely few wizards unafraid to call him by name), along with those who defiantly stood up to Voldemort during his reign of terror and died fighting valiantly against him. He also failed to intimidate Gellert Grindelwald, who mocked him to his face and challenged him to kill him. His inner circle of Death Eaters overwhelmingly feared him and consequentially maintained their fierce loyalty to him at least partly out of fear of what he would do to them otherwise. Indeed, Voldemort's profound experience in intimidation tactics allowed him to instil great fear into the hearts of wizardkind, to the point that almost all feared uttering his name aloud to one another, with Boggarts even commonly appearing as Voldemort since he represented the worst fear of many members of wizardkind.
- Intellectual genius: Voldemort was not only a great wizard, but also possessed an incredible, genius intellect, as he was considered to be the most brilliant student ever to attend Hogwarts by Dumbledore. His intellect is evidenced by his strategic cunning in being able to mastermind and orchestrate two of the most destructive wars in British wizarding history, with him overwhelming all of Britain's wizarding community and nearly triumphing in both the First and Second Wizarding Wars. He also proved himself to be a skilled researcher, having successfully discovered his heritage with his middle name, and, by extension, the location of the Chamber of Secrets and his status as the Heir of Slytherin.
- Charisma and Manipulation: Even at a young age, Riddle displayed a remarkable talent for the manipulation of others, being able to manipulate Horace Slughorn into telling him about Horcruxes and gain the trust of every teacher in Hogwarts, with only Albus Dumbledore managing to not be swayed by Voldemort's charisma.
- Acting skills: Besides his formidable magical skills and extensive knowledge of magic, as a teenager, Tom proved to be a consummate actor, being able to hide his true nature from almost everyone in Hogwarts except Dumbledore. He was able to convince virtually all of the Hogwarts staff and instructors that his facade of being a model student was his true personality and was able to avoid discovery of him having opened the Chamber of Secrets.
- Leadership skills: Even when he was still only a young student, Riddle was already a very effective leader, as he was able to lead the forerunners of the Death Eaters to effectively sneak past surveillance, being responsible for several nasty incidences that were never connected to them, showing that even at a young age, Riddle was a very competent leader. As he grew older and gained more experience in leading and thus honed leadership skills further, Tom's style of leadership presumably changed from the original charismatic rule of the Hogwarts gang to the tyrannical and completely ruthless - though no less highly effective - command of his Death Eaters demonstrated throughout both the First and Second Wizarding War. The best example of his efficiency as a leader would be the fact that he, with the help of fewer than forty united Death Eaters, completely overwhelmed and came very close to dominating the entire population of magical Britain during the First Wizarding War and eventually conquered the whole magical Britain during the Second Wizarding War. After marriage to Granger, Hermione was in second position, leading him.
- Salesmanship skills: In the future, Riddle's skills at brokering sales as an assistant at Borgin and Burke's when he was in his late teens, however, it changed due to Hermione's time travel to the past when Tom told Granger, they can work at another school to teach dark arts together. His charisma and knowledge of various magical artefacts helped him in this job and allowed him to acquire a wide variety of magical relics for his employers at the time.
- Teaching skills: When Voldemort attempted to apply for a position as a teacher at Hogwarts, he expressed full confidence in teaching the students things they can gain from no other wizards. Despite his ulterior motives that conclude his lack of desire to genuinely pass down knowledge to the next generation, his years of extensive studies and charisma would have certainly made him a successful instructor; something he intended to take advantage of to influence the students and recruit his future army. It can be assumed that had he been allowed to become the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, he would have been able to convince many of his students to join his cause and, given that he claimed to be able to teach them magic they cannot learn from others, he would have most likely successfully created a powerful army of wizards and witches.
- Physical aptitude: Voldemort was in excellent physical condition despite his skeletal physique, with his strength and agility easily overwhelming Harry Potter when he attacked him violently.
- Wand: He is 13½" long, crafted from yew, and affixed with a phoenix feather core.
- Diary: it was a simple blank diary belonging to Tom Riddle, who also transformed it into a Horcrux in 1943, during Riddle's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was the first Horcrux he ever made and was used as a weapon.
- Ring: Marvolo's heirloom of the House of Gaunt, descendants of Salazar Slytherin and Cadmus Peverell. It was a gold ring inset with a black stone, engraved with what Marvolo Gaunt called the Peverell coat of arms, as it had come into the Gaunt line from an heiress of the Peverells, not the Slytherin family. The ring passed through the male Gaunts, generation to generation, until it was stolen from Morfin Gaunt by Tom Riddle, while Tom framed Morfin for the murders of the Riddle family. Unknown to Gaunt or Riddle, the stone was the legendary artefact known as the Resurrection Stone, and the "coat of arms" symbol of the Deathly Hallows. While at Hogwarts, Tom openly wore the ring. He later made the ring into his second Horcrux and cursed it. Tom did not enchant the ring right away, as he was seen wearing it while asking Horace Slughorn about Horcruxes, as seen through Slughorn's memories in a Pensieve.
- Locket: It was never shown he had this locket, unlike the original timeline where he was interested in it and stole it after he murdered Mrs. Smith.
- Secrets of the Darkest Art: the tome written by Owle Bullock, possibly of medieval origin, that discussed only the most advanced Dark Arts. It was a gift from his girlfriend, Hermione, on Christmas day.
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